We buy used items

What We Do

We are used scrap buyers specializing in items like used air conditioners, used furniture, and scrap metal. With over 7 years of experience in Haraj Market, Dammam, we offer great prices for unwanted home appliances and furniture. Contact us if you’re ready to sell!

Air Conditioner

Used Air Conditioner

If you have any kind of used air conditioner, sell it to us.

General AC
Basic AC
Media AC
Gree AC
Buy used furniture in Dammam

Used Furniture

If you have any kind of used furniture, sell it to us.

Industrial Services

Scrap Metal

If you have any kind of used furniture, sell it to us.

SteelCycle Scrap
EcoScrap Solutions
IronClad Recycling
SteelCycle Scrap

SteelCycle Scrap specializes in recycling steel, iron, and other metals, offering competitive prices and eco-friendly solutions for individuals and businesses.


MetalReclaim is a trusted scrap metal recycler, specializing in the collection and processing of metals like steel, aluminum, and copper, offering top prices and sustainable solutions.

EcoScrap Solutions

EcoScrap Solutions offers eco-friendly metal recycling, specializing in steel, aluminum, and copper, with fair prices and a focus on sustainability.


IronClad Recycling focuses on eco-friendly recycling of iron, steel, and metals, offering great prices and promoting sustainability.

MetalWorks Recycling

MetalWorks Recycling offers efficient scrap metal processing, including steel, aluminum, and copper, with competitive prices and a focus on sustainability.


PrimeScrap Traders specializes in scrap metal recycling, offering competitive prices and eco-friendly solutions for steel, copper, and aluminum.

Request a Quote Today

Reach Us

Location :

33205, Al Athir, Dammam 32248, KSA

Phone :

+966 0569904573

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